25 recognized to increase the potency of vitamin complexes based on male

Analysis of the name to increase the potency vitamin for men of any age. Start by defining. A group of organic compounds called vitamins, gotta go for the normal functioning of the body, human or animal.

To protect them, and support the human body function. Enters the body there are many vitamins in the food. Some tissues and organs are synthesized in a small amount of the other that is not produced, completely, therefore, stock them regularly replenish.

the potency of vitamins

With the ball in which divide them?


Synthetic separated and extracted.

  1. Synthetic vitamins – chemical substances with pharmacological drugs obtained in the synthesis of synthesis – is the process of combining simple substances a single unit).
  2. Extracted a plant that will constitute a group of substances obtained. Various nutritional supplements and dietary supplements that are attributed to them.

Physical properties

The physical properties are categorized into the following groups:

  1. Fat-soluble. The liver can accumulate under the skin layer of the body or most of the oil change.
  2. Is soluble in water. Accumulate in such a body.

The most useful men, vitamins to help increase the potential for back to bed and liked

1. Zinc

  • Zinc is an essential component required for the synthesis of testosteroneincreasing your levels of testosterone and is characterized by a perfect erection. Zn joins with sperm production, so mature the male reproductive cells of seed.
  • Contains more zinc boiled fish, wheat bran, oysters, meat, nuts , and lentils.
  • For a guy daily rate zinc 15 mg (milligrams).

2. Selenium

  • Selenium testosterone necessary to produce a satisfactory erection. Trace element behave like a preventive tool against cancer, and prostate cancer. Selenium is necessary to preserve healthy testosterone levels.
  • Containing large amounts of selenium, pistachios and walnuts, beans, corn and peas.
  • This gentleman daily dose for selenium 0,07 mg.

3. Retinol

  • Other name retinol vitamin A. As a natural antioxidant, it helps eliminate inflammatory processes, urogenital system, testis, and prostate. This vitamin in men to raise the tone and for enhancing the body as a whole is formulated, male reproductive hormones.
  • That contain a large amount of retinol in milk and milk products, eggs, meat, fish and seafood.
  • The norm is considered a day dose of retinol and the amount of 34 mg.

vitamin D

4. Vitamin D

  • This item Group D, the production of the hormone testosterone, necessary to a satisfactory erection. Regular intake slows down the ageing process. In this article, activates the D group , serotonin, normalizes sexual urge and is stabilized, and prostate cancer.
  • The D group containing the increased amount of fish oil, seafood, fatty fish (mackerel or salmon), liver, fish oil.
  • Daily rate this item – with 0.015 mg.

5. B vitamins

  • They promote production of the male hormone, why high libido. We were talking about any other business we still increase the libido. B group vitamins promoting sexual urge, sluggish the process of genital. This group is also the need to avoid disease heart.
  • Substances in this group are whole grains, meat, eggs, potatoes and Yesil vegetables.
  • The daily rate depends on an item in the category. For example, B1 is the amount of the need 1.5 mg. Group B13 need the amount 1500 mg.

Vitamins for male potency the urge to improve the score in future packages and prices will be addressed. Consider these extensive preparations, a later article, some useful components with different minerals at a time.

6. Ascorbic acid or vitamin C

  • This acid is the antioxidant treats by stimulating the production of sexual hormone. It strengthens blood vessels,stimulate, higher flexibility and elasticity necessary for a morning erection. To refill the tanks of ascorbic acid accelerates the circulation of the blood vessels.
  • Products, including content rich ascorbic acid, freshly squeezed orange juice, pineapple, lemon, cranberry chutney, and cabbage.
  • These ingredients daily dosage of approximately 60-100 mg.

7. Vitamin E or tocopherol

  • Tocopherol increases the symptoms of required for the production of testosterone, virility and sex drive. A sufficient amount of tocopherol increases libido, normalizes metabolism and boosts erections.
  • Most tocopherol, sunflower oil, beans, nuts, wheat bran and spinach.
  • The amount of tocopherol is considered the norm Knight for a day dose of 18 mg.

folic acid

8. Folic acid (B9)

  • This acid applies to substances beneficial to the group B9, is a necessary preventive tool against sexual disorders. Those increases, by stimulating blood sexual activity in the field of small pelvis, supports the ability to obtain an erection.
  • Contains large amounts of folic acid, fresh lettuce and parsley, beans, lentils, asparagus and citrus.
  • The stronger sex daily needs for folic acid – 4.0 mg.

Physical exertion and stress vitamins for men from this list to help recover faster and get back lost durability.

9. Magnesium

  • A problem in the male body in sufficient quantities of magnesium an erection does not occur. Magnesium stimulates the flow of blood to pelvic organs and helps maintain longer lasting erections.
  • The concept of magnesium, sea cabbage, beans, peas, cedar nuts and barley krupa.
  • Male daily need for magnesium is about 400 mg.

10. Potassium

  • Potassium required for the body for men of the quality of the discharge. Those involved in the production of androgen (male sex hormone) needed to gain libido. That is, kidney and heart. We write about a different stimulant medication publication.
  • To embed to eat foods with potassium, dietary must be a knight seafood, dried plums, dried apricots, peanuts , and lentils.
  • Dose of potassium for the day, you must have a solid base of at least 5 mg.

Interaction with each other, vitamins and other drugs

A group is incompatible with some items. But there are also examples of the opposite.

  1. During intake laxative drug violation, the process of absorption of fat-soluble vitamins and a good erection for traveling to the sights of the city, including a retinol extremely necessary.
  2. The vitamin groupalso B6 and B12, is more easily absorbed by your body if they are at the same time accept them and calcium.
  3. At the same time as vitamin c, B1 useless, if consumed together with copper and iron.
  4. Vitamin B2 is friends with vitamin B3, zinc, copper or iron, so with the simultaneous intake with them is undesirable.
  5. Vitamin complexes results mostly negative interaction with drugs. Hypnotic drugs and anxiolytics Grant action vitamins of the Group B.
  6. Vitamins cannot drink at the same time, any medication, otherwise the violation of the absorption of both. You must wait at least three to four hours, and only then, you will already be able to get to begin with, other drugs.

What time is best to take vitamins?

Recommended to take a multivitamin at least twice a year.

In what circumstances advice:

  • Disease during this period. As Optimum start – this season begins when epidemic diseases diseases such as colds, the flu and the common cold. Proper recovery after a reception is a disease that can be transported each time is the hardest.
  • 40. You need to take vitamin pills two gentlemen over the age of 40, time slows down, the body decreases the metabolic process, and sexual activity.
  • The problem when in bed. The potency of the beneficial ingredients at the time of acceptance appropriate erection problems, premature ejaculation, in the absence of the sexual impulse, with an understanding of the challenges children. In another article, a site previously described to help in a good tips is long enough.

Consider, too, answer, question, What, consume, vitamins Sex, Male Power and strength, and the next video.

power recipes

Recipes for meals and drinks potency

The medication must also accompany the male body health, a balanced diet. Recommended dishes steamed. Boiled and fried foods also loses useful features. Vegetables, fruits and nuts it is recommended to get as raw and processed.

Leading the list of the recipes in men's health include the following:

Popular male intimate drinks and fruit juices for health

  1. The mixture of nuts and dried fruit. You will need to prepare dried apricots, prunes and peeled walnuts, hazelnuts. Mix equal amounts of products and crankshaft grinding. Add one cup of fresh honey. Every day that you get a tablespoon of the tool.
  2. Decoction of ginger. You need to buy a dry ginger root, grind it into a powder say. The volume of powder poured half a litre of boiling water and boil 40 minutes. The obtained beverage to cool, then add to taste. a spoon of honey and a few drops of lemon juice. Ginger juice instead of drinking tea every day.
  3. Decoction, milk, and carrots. A couple of tablespoons of grated carrot mixed with a glass of milk. Mix and cook for 10 minutes, then cold, and Al per 100 grams of at least three times a day.
  4. Fish with potatoes and salad. Needed for the salad 500 grams of boiled fish, boiled potatoes peeled five, three boiled carrots. Chop any vegetable oil filling chopped and chilled foods.
  5. Steamed fish. 700 grams lean fish slice to cook steamed. A few minutes later, add two chopped onions and parsley. Cook over low heat for 15 minutes. Garnish the source for two beets, two potato. Pour lemon juice over the fish before serving on the table.
  6. Boiled chicken eggs. One is a salad cooked chicken easy to cook the eggs. Gotta chop finely, Yesil egg and onions, then mix them together. This is like a salad seasoned olive oil.
  7. This beef tenderloin. You need to fry the beef into diced pieces with olive oil, then add cut carrots and onions. Then add some tomato paste, pickles and onions.
    • Celery juice.
    • Juice, parsley.
    • Lemon juice and orange.
    • Beet drink.
    • Tomato and carrot juice.
    • Aloe vera juice
    • Pomegranate juice.
    • Strawberry grape.
  8. deteriorating power products

    Products that suppresses and prevents erectile function and male power?

    Includes components for some products, depressed libido of male power and very necessary in the bed. The balance of hormones in the body by taking them of the violation.

    These harmful products and beverages include:

    • beer;
    • fast food;
    • pastries;
    • smoked;
    • desserts;
    • - fat meat;
    • - fat cheese;
    • liver pate;
    • canned fish;
    • caviar;
    • shrimp;
    • sugar;
    • caffeine;
    • maya;
    • the margarine.

    Nutrition findings

    Some caffeinated drinks inhibits the absorption of vitamins and minerals for male power power. These drinks except for a better time. Eating habits, fatty foods that cause erectile dysfunction, resulting in vascular occlusion. From the menu reduce your intake of salt and soy products. Excessive salt lowers the production of testosterone. Soy contains phytoestrogen (female hormones and their analogues), male depressive it's a start.