How to increase of power of men after 60 years – the road and the vehicle

Excitation levels the opportunity to experience Libido/orgasm and their brightness depends on the hormonal background. These imbalances dulled sexual activity. Strength, youth and age and age 60 in men is always lower. The older the person, the more "weak" he is in bed.

Weakness of the age of reason

Weakness of the age of reason

Produced in the active reproductive age of male body "help" to promote the growth of hormone inhibin B. The role of the sperm. Works paired stimulating (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH) hormone. Over the years, the inhibition of the production decreases in menopause to get rid of completely and then can be "no".

To compensate, increases hormone levels, FSH and LH. As a result, the men in the background is changing. Youth, blood dominate dihydrotestosterone – the most active kind of testosterone, in terms of the wishes and opportunities ahead. Age-related inhibits the synthesis of testosterone by reduce the production wrapped in decreasing emphasis. Yes, turning, her more "active" form begins slowly, respectively, the power are extinguished.

Increased strength, for men after the age of 60

Anticipate the institution to promote the measures of libido in men at the age of 60 is not possible. Increased impulse here depends on the severity of age-related hormonal changes background, status, cardiovascular system, and other features, "" it's not the biological age, "the passport".

However, in most cases, to increase male potency and predicted is positive. Anyway, to talk about a patient over the age of 60 without "aggravating" diagnosis – prostatitis, adenoma, genital interventions, Child Development abnormalities (cryptorchidism, hydrocele), atherosclerosis of the above 2 scene.


Increased strength, and to increase active testosterone in men after the age of 60 that requires the first level (so says most doctors). However, then hormonal drugs are lost and with their help cancel results. Plus, excessive sex hormones men in the blood of post-menopausal age filled with infarction, stroke, or cancer-producing glands (prostate, testis, adrenal).

Between the most famous tools to increase the potency of the steroid – testosterone enanthate. Leave him for solution intramuscular injection is used to 50 mg, once, for 14 days. It is possible to order and 200 mg / month, but use it often for men at the age of 60. Other attractions and cheap solutions are available:

  • antispazmodik. The only condition – you need to introduce directly the tissue of the penis half an hour before intercourse. The point is, she relaxes a member of the nourish blood and conducive to an erection;
  • adrenoblokator – one best-known and completely natural. This alkaloid also cause peripheral vascular relaxation. Drink 2-2,5 milligrams three times a day to eat;
  • drugs depression. They recommend addicting 30 mg once a day, an hour, or all three have sex. Artificially raise the level of ability, Free, refresh arousal of an erection serotonin and 0.15 grams a day, but 2 reception bulk where only 1/3 drunk before going to bed and in the morning).

Compared with drugstore chains, and herbal medications with fewer and fewer side effects, better compatibility with alcoholic beverages, without which no cost, no romantic encounter. A list of them:

  • a natural remedy, drip, stimulant, aphrodisiac and potency, the open healers from different countries. Them included as a part of popular focus in the Middle East, African fruit, ginkgo biloba, Chinese Ginseng and Marca Peru. It is possible to combine with alcohol. Pharmaceutical processes, and 7-8 drops under the tongue, morning and evening, and is at the discretion of any beverage bored. Enhancing total course takes a few weeks ago, a month;
  • pod-based medicine relatively. That contains extracts of Damiana, wheat seeds, Poria coconut, dwarf Lily, and sarsaparilla. Pills you need 1 or 2 capsules / day after meals for 30 days. A one-time increase potency allows you to double the dose already 15-20 minutes;
  • an extremely rich composition tools with the power to elevate the capsule. Between non-herbal components contains deer antlers, propolis and Cedar SAP. Offered to increase the potency of herbal medicine lovage, nettle, Orchis, Zhgun-radix (fruit), guarana, in Monster mulheres que meendo, red root. Recommended intake 1 capsule in the morning and men over the age of 60 circuit in the evening 5-7 days in a row. A good break then a week then repeat.

Folk remedies

The differences between the drinking, the lie of dietary supplements and alternative medicine developed for the selection of full pharmacists or other components. In this case, there are several findings the Italians science healers. Only healers, unlike doctors, tend to rely more on t. m. of adaptogens.

Folk remedies herbal, animal and mineral origin, increase vitality and immune protection of the public. Official Medicine believes that the effect of such tools it's very unpredictable, but people completely rely on them.

Folk remedies
  1. Echinacea purpurea. 50 g and 60 g mixed with 20 grams of seeds echinops ARU her roots. Fill a blender or pestle together, pounded, crushed, 1 tbsp. the obtained l 250 ml of vodka. Facing Mount stopper for a few weeks of service time, and dark, warm in a corner, shaking regularly. The vehicle at the end of infusion, filter and drink: 10 drops, divorced in water about half an hour ago during dinner 25-30 days.
  2. Wild carrot, dandelion and stinging nettle might allow to develop. For dinner, 50 g of Root is washed well and crushed them the drug Pasternak, obtained mixed with 100 g of young Leaf, nettle and dandelion. That "salad" filling in a medium with vegetable oil vinegar and salt. You should eat 250-300 g / day, any number of techniques, up to 2 weeks. You desire to make then I take a break.
  3. Spurge. Its root is chopped and 10 g per 0.5 liters of vodka and insist week separate. Miss attraction over the colander and use of raw materials with the aim of to strengthen a teaspoon of (pre-dissolving in water) in the morning, noon and night. Total course – 14 days.

Other methods and tips

Intake, natural, synthetic, hormones or by any other method to increase potency, there is always an alternative. You will not lose the relevance and effectiveness of physiotherapy treatment for 20 or 60 years, and there are no contraindications outside of acute conditions, emergency assistance when necessary. The name of the body even more eager men, age of physical therapy, there is a positive change, more young people, make them appear brighter.

  1. Physical exercise. The event is beneficial at any age, but for Old Time slow down the body's processes, the effect is felt better. Erectile function normalization is considered most useful for gymnastic exercises: squat (if under normal force, less knee), technique, Kegel, jump rope, rhythmic pelvic rotation.
  2. Massage. Appropriate classic (back, testicles, penis) and exotic options (Thai, thuine, etc.). Age, time in tazoult weather a recession due to aging, joint, and Nov, masseuse worth attending at least once a week. In this way, improve overall health, the desire to upgrade, sex, and – repair of pelvic organ.
  3. Leech therapy. The saliva of leeches of all types, including medical, hirudi includes a slightly weaker heparin anticoagulant enzyme. Blood that makes have been treated, Left, help save and prevent cardiovascular complications erection during sex. Self-treatment is harmful, difficult and Leech – this should only be done related to girudoterapevt.

After 60 years, typical symptoms of prostatitis for all men. The difference is that they more or less, but they always are. Dangerous complications of this disease on the urinary system. This also reduce, lowers sex drive and hormonal background.

Every morning after age 60 may require increased potency manipulation languages:

  • sit down with your feet on the ground and straightened the walls with the floor and put your hands behind your head (to hard – in the chest) and the hip and leg efforts only creep up against the wall. Again, another double and more time (depending on distance);
  • tension in the pelvic muscles attempt to stop the flow of urine urine. Again a bowel movement once every 2-3 days (and so at least once a day throughout two to three months).

In addition, purchase and implement until, three days a week for a massage private massage, prostate massage.


Age-related changes in "business" and just stop your personal life affecting your penis prevent at least impossible to control them. Reproductive system men who want to protect the youth, thirty years of enough health concern and adolescence:

  • intimate relationships to prevent the risk of infection;
  • it's not practical "sex marathon" with many partners or a single, but all night, without Dec;
  • not de-genital cooling:
  • not isolated, their extreme (this infertility path);
  • injury to the scrotal area, including the feed climb back breaking, weight lifting.

I can get an erection completely back 60 years?

Opportunity for women in the two sexes shrink in bed, it cannot be undone. But this isn't always bad. A huge load of sexual intercourse, gives the heart and blood vessels. When aging reaches your own in the 50 years since, space, speed, how to have sex and 60 "youth" could end up being infarction/stroke. The tips in this article Back to a normal sex life (2-4 sexual intercourse) a month, more than enough at this age. Exactly the same (100%) will not power back on.